Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The Eighty Seventh Doodle

Well well well, it's that time of year isn't it. When we creative types battle it out to try and grab potential customers' attention, squealing 'Buy something from me! It's unique, it's art, it's NOT MAINSTREAM!'
It is relentlessly difficult trying to wiggle your way in there and hook new customers who you'd like to think look at your work and say 'Yeah, I like that. It speaks to me, and I want to hang it on my wall and look at it.' DREAM.
I think with art/illustration/design it is becoming more about what your image is printed ON (as in a mug, a notebook, a t-shirt) and not so much about prints or posters. But I shall march on and always offer prints, as that is what I do. I am stubborn.
But so, good people, do check out my online shop http://ruthjoyce.bigcartel.com/ for all your illustrative Chrimbo needs.

There's prints for sports fans (London Olympics anyone?), prints for tattoo and alternative fans (rawrrr), things for animal lovers (as long as they like wolves) and even some iconic cities in there for good measure (London baby, have you met New York? Oh heyyyyy!).
In addition, you'll find my brand spanking new t-shirt design, 'The Lady & The Beast'. This is available in unisex small, medium and large for £15.00.
So yeah, if you or someone you know does enjoy my work, do please buy a print or a tee and support an independent artist in this big bad world of commercialism and what not.
 Thanks in advance, big smooches X

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