Saturday, 19 January 2013

The Sixty Fifth Doodle

I've been doing a lot of doodling lately. It's odd, you get random times where inspiration seems to abandon you like a slutty unfaithful lover (LOL), yet other times when you are simply saturated in ideas, you almost don't have enough time to draw out all the stuff that's exploding out of your head. BOOM. Any one else get that? I am going to presume you do. If not, I don't care. 

JOKING, I totally do. I am nice. Promise.

I think in the space of 2-3 days this week I completed 5 illustrations. I am not sure how/why/what happened, and before you ask, NO, none of them were below usual par or shite stick men! Perhaps that is why I was so baffled (or basiled, as my friend says. It's a long story. I shan't tell it, but trust me, it's welllll funny.)

Above are two sketches from the initial mad burst of drawing fiendishness, one from a nude life drawing study, and one after flicking through some bloody trashy magazines. Seriously, I don't understand why anyone actually reads them, they really do their best to make you feel like crap.
Perhaps that's where this lady came from. Done just with coloured pens, the pose is a typical one you see in magazines/adverts, but all I see when I look at it is a girl wondering if she's actually pretty or not. Maybe some lasses don't get this, but I am sure many do. 

Don't worry ladies. You're all bloody gorge.

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