Merry Christmas to all; from myself, Wuss and, of course, Boots. We hope you ate too much Christmas dinner and (gave as well as) got some lovely gifts.
I made mince pies. Nom nom nom.
I don't know about you, but my god, I have become a right little fatty. MIND YOU, I actually have got a very ligitimate excuse. After my operation at the end of September (on my back, give me sympathy yeah) I was limited to such activities as lying in bed and walking like a 90 year old biddy. As you can imagine, one puts weight on when one can barely move. Things are better now of course, but I still have to be careful. I think swimming will be the way forward in 2013.
So what's YOUR excuse ey?
Anyway, I digress. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas full of over indulgence and joy, and that you could be with the people who make you happy. One day we may not be able to do that, so we must treasure every moment. Merry Christmas, and I wish you all the best for 2013.

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