Sunday, 9 September 2012

The Forty Forth Doodle

Life drawing. So very, very important for artists and illustrators. Having someone say 'Right, you've got 5 minutes to draw this naked chick and if you can't do it then TOUGH.' Ok, well they don't say it like that, but that's the general gist. It's exciting!

I went along to an Art Macabre life drawing class at Cass Art in Islington which was great, though I do find it odd sometimes. I go because I want to practise and keep my mind open to new ideas, and because I enjoy it. However, I often feel like I'm sheepishly trying to hide what I'm doing- not because it's bad, but because I feel a bit self conscious. I was sat doodling away at this event, and heard some people next to me muttering about what I was doing, and start to say how rubbish their work was. One then scrunched up her paper and threw it on the floor. Nice tantrum love.

I don't know, it's odd isn't it. I'd have thought no one cares too much, but apparently we're all still kids when it comes to drawing pictures. 'Yours is better than mine so I'm pissed off now'. Ok mate, well, have you been drawing pretty much non stop since you were 5 or 6? No? Well shut up then. It's taken an awful lot of work to develop my drawing skills, and I'm sure there are still thousands of people out there better than me, but I'm not fussed. 

I do get miffed when people make me feel bad for the fact that I can draw. If you feel the need to compare yourself to others and put either yourself or other people down, probably a life drawing class is not the place for you. Stay home and watch crappy tv. 

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