Wednesday, 15 August 2012

The Thirty Eighth Olympics Doodle

So I had to go there. The Olympics was just, quite simply, wonderful. I do confess, as a Londoner myself I was quite worried beforehand; worried about travel issues trying to get to work, the city getting horrendously busy, all those sorts of things. But in the end, London did incredibly well. And I was lucky enough to go to see the athletics, and the atmosphere was amazing! Everyone was chatting and having a laugh together, didn't matter where they were from or who they were supporting, who was winning and who wasn't. 

FYI I am yet to see this sort of friendly attitude at football matches in the UK.

You know us Brits though, we love a loser. The races I saw had a few runners who seemed to suffer injury so they fell very far behind, but the crowd cheered them on all the way round. It was just fab.

Yeahhhhhh team GB :-D

So I'm working on a wee tribute to our amazing athletes and our amazing city, the whole of the UK. Aren't we marvellous. Keep your eyes peeled for more soon!

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