Ok, I am not scared to admit it. I have no fashion. I am not fashionable or stylish. Or cool. (LOL joking, I so am cool).
But on the other hand, I wear clothes don't I? I go out and pick what I want to wear and use it to express who and what I am yeah? So, I must be fashionable; even if it is only in my own little head. Well that's what I believe and I'm sticking with it :p
Anyway, even if I myself don't don the lastest trends and always be bang up to date with my accessories (honestly, I don't have the dollar for that) I bloody love creating fashion illustrations. The poses, the fabric, the drama - ARG, I love it. I enjoy forging up-and-coming trends or looks with my own gritty style, and creating something fierce and vibrant. So check out my work for fashionglobalblog.com - I'm sure there will be plenty more to come too....